Azure Storage: usage and testing with Java

Using Blob, Table and Queue storage in the cloud using Java... but testing it locally.

Azure Storage Azure Storage is the highly scalable, secure, high available managed offering to store data in the cloud. Since not all storage needs are the same, there are a few different flavors: Azure Blobs: Object store for text and binary data; Azure Tables: NoSQL store for structured data; Azure Queues: Message store for messaging between application components. There are a few more flavors, but these I consider the originals ;). [Read More]

Deploy on 'git push' at no cost for Github Private Repositories

A free deployment pipeline for continuous delivery.

Yes! A month ago, Github announced we can finally have free private repositories. I was very excited about this news. There are a few projects I would have prefered to keep private but I was too cheap to pay for the private repositories. Problem solved… Or is it? As soon as I made some repositories private I realized that making my repositories private came at a cost: NOBODY CAN SEE YOUR REPO (DHU! [Read More]