Hi 😊 I'm Tom.


I’m active as a consultant with a focus on Java technologies. Since I’m also a licensed high school teacher, I am happy to frequently share my knowledge through trainings and courses, both to companies and at universities.


I consider myself a trainer and mentor who loves to share not only knowledge but also passion for our craft. I do this through mentorships, guiding students at my alma mater or just helping strangers online.

I’m the organizer of the Belgian Java User Group, a Java-minded meetup group which meets once a month.

I frequently speak at meetups and conferences. The full list of all my talks and appearances can be found on the Talks page.

In the summer of 2023, I was recognized as a Java Champion.


Married, one awesome son, 2 cats and happy owner of a whole lot of nerdy/techy stuff. Hobbies include: Gaming, Boardgames and reading books.