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The beginning of this blog

·245 words·2 mins·

“It is not about you… it is about sharing what you know.”

I heard these words a lot in the past few days. Which is why this will be the first and last post about me personally.

I am currently in San Francisco, taking some time off after Oracle Code One (OCO). OCO is the biggest conference for my favorite programming language (Java). Looking back, the sessions which had the most impact on me had very little to do with code.

What really hit me this week is what makes this community great. People sharing what they know. While I have spoken at some conferences and meetups, the past week has made me feel like I could do more. Meeting many influential people in our industry and seeing their openness to talk has made me more excited than ever to spread my knowledge.

It is because of that reason my professional mission statement from now will be:

**Share Knowledge, Spread Passion**

To help me live this mission statement:

  • I have rebuilt my site using hugo. This makes it easier for me to add content (before, it was plain HTML)
  • The site is now no longer focused on me, it will be focused on sharing my knowledge.
  • I will, in time, add all the lessons I have learned in my career as content on this site.

This is the start of a new adventure. No idea where this will lead us, but hey… let’s do this!