Besides my regular work, I like to unleash the teacher in me and share some knowledge at different meetups and conference. This page contains my talk portfolio. If you see any session that might interest you, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Release your creations into the world with JReleaser! 🚀

A talk about using JReleaser to swiftly share CLI apps and libraries on repositories like Maven Central and Homebrew.

As a developer, you’ve been getting dependencies and applications from places like Maven Central, Homebrew and Chocolatey. Have you ever wondered how you can add your own creations to those packagers and repositories? Wouldn’t that be cool?!? Anyone worldwide being able to install your CLI or use your library with the tools they already use?

In this talk, we’ll show you just how fast and easy it can be to do just that! We’ll show you practical examples, like sharing a CLI app through Homebrew or publishing your library on Maven Central while announcing it on social media, all using JReleaser! After this talk, you’ll have learned exactly what this free Open Source tool has to offer and you’ll know why we are so excited to tell you about it!

So strap on your jetpack and join us as we show you how to package, publish, release and announce your creations at the speed of light!

Country Flag: be
Full Session
Cospeaker: Maarten Mulders
Country Flag: be
Devoxx Belgium
Tools In Action
Cospeaker: Maarten Mulders
Youtube Link

Braving the Change: recalibrating to new realities

A talk about keeping up with changing environments, with a focus on the impact of AI.

‘Change is the only constant in our industry’… but they never told us it would go this fast. With the recent evolutions in AI, ‘change’ has shifted from a ‘constant’ to something better described as ’exponential,’ sparking excitement for some and existential dread for others.

In this session, we’ll discuss some insights into dealing with change gathered from experts in the field. We’ll explore the emotional aspects of change, contextualize our relation to change and discuss skills and strategies to deal with evolving landscapes.

After leaving this session, you’ll be better prepared for whatever change might come on your path. And with preparation comes bravery.

Country Flag: nl
J-Spring Utrecht
Full Session
Country Flag: be
Belgian Java User Group
Full Session
Details and Resources Link
Country Flag: nl
Rotterdam Java User Group
Full Session
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Country Flag: nl
Utrecht Java User Group
Full Session
Details and Resources Link Event Website Link

Leaving a legacy: a guide to being kind to those who come after

A talk about taking responsibility for what you leave behind

There comes a time in any project when you feel you are completely ‘done’ with it. Either you’ve learned all you can, the software is in production or you are completely fed up with the project or team and ask for a transfer.

Whatever the reason for leaving, every line of code you wrote and every interaction you had will have a lasting impact on whoever needs to take over the reigns. How successful your successors will be is in no small part in your hands.

This talk is about taking responsibility for what you leave behind. You leave this session with some guidance on how to leave a legacy which isn’t despised and hated but instead is a solid foundation for future development.

Country Flag: nl
Full Session
Cospeaker: Elien Callens
Details and Resources Link Event Website Link
Country Flag: be
Voxxed Brussels
Full Session
Cospeaker: Elien Callens
Details and Resources Link Event Website Link
Country Flag: de
Full Session
Cospeaker: Elien Callens
Details and Resources Link Event Website Link
Country Flag: norway
Full Session
Cospeaker: Elien Callens
Details and Resources Link Event Website Link Youtube Link

Learning Through Tinkering

A talk about different approaches to help you embrace 'life long learning' as a professional developer!

Do you also feel like it’s hard to keep up with all the new tools and frameworks coming your way? You are not alone! By choosing IT, you are choosing to learn for the rest of your life… not an easy task.

In this session we’ll look into some concepts that will help you get the most out of your efforts to learn new shiny stuff!

We’ll go over a couple of example projects and give you some tools to keep learning without being overwhelmed by the flood of new technologies.

Country Flag: england
Full Session
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Country Flag: se
Full Session
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Country Flag: fi
FooConf Helsinki
Details and Resources Link Event Website Link
Country Flag: nl
Brabant Java User Group
Full Session
Details and Resources Link Website Link
Country Flag: be
Devoxx Belgium
Full Session
Details and Resources Link Youtube Link
Country Flag: nl
Full Session
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Country Flag: us
Full Session
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Country Flag: england
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Country Flag: norway
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Country Flag: nl
Full Session
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Country Flag: england
London Java Community
Online (Plushy Lightning)
Country Flag: pt
Full Session
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Country Flag: be
Full Stack Antwerp
Full Session
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Country Flag: nl
Utrecht Java User Group
Full Session
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Country Flag: be
Devoxx Belgium
Quicky Session

Modern Testing Patterns

An introduction to Frameworks and Tools which help you write tests which more accurately reflect your production environment

Unit Tests by themselves give no guarantee that your system will work in a production environment. That’s where your code will have to work together with other resources like databases and APIs. Unfortunately, those are the kind of dependencies we try to avoid in tests by using mocking-frameworks. Risky business, because this means we’ll only know if the application really works when you push it to production.

In this session we’ll look at some strategies you can use to test your application without mocking your dependencies away. You’ll discover how tools like Liquibase, TestContainers, WireMock and Spring Cloud Contract can immensely improve your tests so you can deploy your application to production AND sleep at night.

Country Flag: nl
Arnhem Java User Group
Full Session
Details and Resources Link Website Link
Country Flag: se
Full Session
Details and Resources Link Youtube Link
Country Flag: eu
Info Support Knowledge Night
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Country Flag: ro
Voxxed Days Romania
Details and Resources Link Youtube Link
Country Flag: us
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Country Flag: pt
Details and Resources Link Youtube Link
Country Flag: de
Bonn Java User Group
Details and Resources Link
Country Flag: be
Computer Futures Meetup
Details and Resources Link
Country Flag: be
KDG University College
Details and Resources Link

Enforcing a cleaner architecture using the Java Module System

Live-Demo-based introduction into how JPMS can be used to enforce a Clean/Hexagonal Architecture

The Java Module System (Jigsaw) was one of the big features of Java 9 and beyond. Yet until this day, very few projects are using it and developers seem to actively avoid it.

This is unfortunate because Jigsaw gives us the elements we need to build clean architectures. In this session, we will explain the basics of clean architectures and show you where Jigsaw fits into the story. We will show concrete examples on how to leverage Jigsaw in your application and how to integrate it in a clean way with frameworks like Spring and Quarkus.

Have you tried to use Jigsaw in an application and failed? Have you been scared by the horror stories from other developers on how hard it is? Or do you just wanna learn more about implementing a clean architecture in Java? Then this talk is for you! Jigsaw might just be the missing piece you were missing for your clean architecture puzzle.

Country Flag: be
InspireYou session.
Full Session
Country Flag: eu
Info Support - Lockdown Lecture
Details and Resources Link

Anticipating the fallacies of distributed computing with the Netflix OSS

An introduction into the different tools Netflix has Open Sourced to support their Microservice Architecture!

The Netflix Open Source Software Center is a collection of Open-Source tools and libraries developed by Netflix to help them build the system they need to bring video stream to millions of users worldwide . In this presentation we will have a look at some of these libraries and discover how they solve problems that will occur when splitting your system into hundreds of microservices.

Even if you do not adopt microservices, the OSS-tools discussed in this session can help you to make your software more resilient than it is today.

Country Flag: be
Computer Futures Meetup
Full Session
Details and Resources Link
Country Flag: be
Brussels Java User Group
Full Session
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Country Flag: nl
Utrecht Java User Group
Full Session
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Country Flag: nl
Full Session
Details and Resources Link
Country Flag: si
JavaSi '17
Full Session
Event Website Link
Country Flag: hr
JavaCro '17
Full Session
Event Website Link